Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Your requests are needed!

What do you want to watch? Listen to? Read? We want to know!

We will be purchasing new DVDs, CDs, & paperback books for our recreational collections, and we want to know what suggestions you have. We will do our best to purchase all recommendations if they are available and appropriate for the collections. Feel free to leave your suggestion(s) as a comment to this post or in person at the library front desk.

Many thanks to the Brandon campus Student Government Association for funding our recreational collections.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Do you have your HCC ID Card?

Your HCC ID card is also your Library Card

Step 1: Get your HCC ID at BSSB 210 (Career Center). Hours: M 4-7, T 12:30-4, W 10-1, TH 8-11.
Step 2: Bring your HCC ID card to the Library to be activated.

Step 3: Check out library materials (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.) and access Online resources (online article databases, ebooks, and more).

(Note: Don't forget to show your HCC ID for a discount at the movies and other places that accept student IDs.)

Eight New LINCCWeb databases to be activated January 1, 2008

The new statewide eResources, acquired with funds approved by the Florida Legislature, will be activated in LINCCWeb on January 1, 2008, are listed below. They are available to students at all Florida community colleges.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
ARTstor (ARTstor)
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Education Research Complete (EBSCO)
Literary Reference Center (EBSCO)
MEDLINE with full text (EBSCO)
Nursing and Allied Health Database (ProQuest)
Science Resource Center (Gale)

With the addition of these new databases, the core set of statewide LINCCWeb eResources will total 91. A list of statewide LINCCWeb eResources is available at http://www.cclaflorida.org/docs/linccweb_eresources.asp

To access the library databases, go to www.hccfl.edu/library/blrc. Click on online article databases. Log-on with your library activated HCC ID card and your PIN. For help accessing online resources view the Accessing Online Resources Tutorial.