Thursday, September 27, 2007

October is AIDS Awareness Month

1 in 171 :

The number of people living with AIDS/HIV

Six Degrees of Separation is a term that’s entered popular vernacular and a sociological concept that's been studied academically*. These studies concluded, depending on method, the possibility of anywhere from 6 to 90 acquaintances creating a connection between us and everyone else on earth. Viewed in this context the number 39.5 million in 6 billion is a stunning 1 in approximately 171.

Now, add in the mathematics of unprotected sexual partnering:

1 plus 1 partner, who've been with 1, 2 or 3 partners, who’ve been with 1, 2, 3, or 4 partners, who’ve had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more partners….and those have had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more partners….and all the sexual partners of those people ….and so on. The number of unseen and unknown persons affecting your life is terrifying.

AIDS does not just happen.....

-to other people
-in far off countries
-or other sectors of society.
AIDS happens everywhere.

-More than 25 million people have Died of AIDS since 1981

-Africa has 12 Million AIDS Orphans

-AIDS is estimated to have killed over a million Americans

-People living with HIV/AIDS as of 2006: 39.5M


The Center for Disease Control:
The Mayo Clinic:

American Academy of Family Physicians:
*Stanley Malgram, Harvard University, 1967. Duncan Watts Columbia University, 2006.

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